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Tag: American values


Have you got what it takes? Perseverance is the drive that helps you get past the hard stuff to get the things you want out of life. Without it, you won't get far. If you don't have it, you need to get it, and you need to get it fast! It's that personality trait that pushes us to overcome…

Being Resourceful

When giving becomes a wise investment choice. Have you ever asked yourself if you had more time, what you might do with it? I believe that time and our children sit at the top of the list as two of the most valuable resources on earth. Together, they are our most beneficial non-renewable resource and we need to…
dolgeville ny picture

Small Town America

Where freedom still rings  And her beauty still sings  Subconsciously, I think I've always been on a quest to find my own true feelings, which are decidedly mixed, and still exist when it comes to the characterization of my hometown, Dolgeville, New York (link). Novels, poems, and other literary works about American rural communities reveal the…

Nurturing the Next Generation: Teaching Our Children the Values of America

The key to a brighter future lies in the hands, hearts, and minds of our children.—a future rooted in the core values that define America. As parents, educators, and caretakers, it is our responsibility to nurture future generations, and to guide them toward a deep understanding and appreciation of the principles that made America the…

Spark America USA

This website is dedicated to all the people of this great nation who long to celebrate, preserve, and continue on with all that’s deemed good and righteous. To teach our children, our most valuable resource, to become part of the sanctioned liberties that were pledged to us by those who fought and died for our freedom. Their dedication to that end shall always remain our only hope for America’s future. – 2025 – All rights reserved.
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