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Have you got what it takes?

Perseverance is the drive that helps you get past the hard stuff to get the things you want out of life. Without it, you won’t get far. If you don’t have it, you need to get it, and you need to get it fast! It’s that personality trait that pushes us to overcome even the most difficult tasks. It can move mountains of doubt and desperation, unclog roadblocks of hesitation, and can lift a person’s spirit to come face-to-face with God. But you will never defeat “indecision” without using both body and mind to overcome it. It just won’t get the job done! 

Fresh out of the womb I was already hard-wired with more than enough “true grit” to last a lifetime — with plenty more to just give away to anybody and everybody I ever met or came up against.  

Passion, perseverance, and a belief in God and miracles have gotten me through:

  • Childhood neglect, abuse, and molestation
  • The devastation of living outside of a broken home
  • People telling me that I couldn’t do the seemingly impossible 
  • Things that I was shunned for while being looked upon as the one who could never pull it off and would come in last

Armed with a shield of extreme self-confidence, I managed to shun the “naysayers” and worked through all of the hardships and dead ends that I faced all by myself. 

Now I face the biggest challenge of my life. One that began as a dream I had fifteen years ago that was conceived in a little park not far from my workplace.

I believed that from that small plot of land that I volunteered to maintain by myself, I could encourage enough other volunteers to share in my dream that from that small plot of land, a force of love of country could spread all across America. Then Patrick showed up, and I knew I was on to something big. Something that people all across America could share. Something bigger than they ever could have imagined.  

President John F. Kennedy once said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” Now is the hour to make those words matter. To fulfill not only his destiny but that of our forefathers and our ancestors. There shall no longer be words spoken that I have heard much too often; “Good luck with that”.

The time has come in my life that I can no longer face this dream by myself. I need “everyone’s” help!   

You are now on a platform like no other in America. One that cannot only fulfill my dream but everyone’s dream to rebuild connection and community, and to rekindle the American Spirit all across this great nation. Only together by believing this dream can be a reality, can America become once again deeply united and stronger than ever in our core values that were established by God and those who came before us that believed in him. It was upon the bedrock of his righteous code of morality, hard work, and equality for all, that brought a nation of Zealots together.

Our government, nonprofits, cost-cutting, and emergency fundraising campaigns just don’t work to bring us together as one nation under God.  Our nation’s renewed life support is vital both to the survival of democracy and to the revival of the human spirit. 

. Please join me right now to make this dream a reality for all Patriotic Americans. This is our time, a fateful time in American history, and we have no time to lose. It’s quick and easy to join forces, but the road to a renewed America run by the spirit of its people will be a difficult one 

As you may already know, trust in institutions has entirely collapsed. Americans with traditional values still have a great deal of power if they choose to wield it. Nothing will ever be gained by conceding to the cultural extremists who have become the institutional gatekeepers of our society. When a man stands against the mob, he needs to make sure that great and powerful voices will come to his aid. 

Everything you need to know lies within yourself and inside this website. The best place to start is to follow the prompts in the Visitors Map.  You can find that in Community on the menu bar.

Once you do, your community will start popping up all over the map of the United States. That’s only the beginning. The best is yet to come! 

It is upon this solid rock we stand, still trusting in God and the eternal power of the human spirit, and never being too old to wish upon a star and believe in miracles.  

May God bless all of you my dear friends, and may America discover God once again. 


1 Comment

  • Naomi
    Posted July 30, 2023

    This message needed to be told! All of us that have a relationship with God should profess our belief and faith to others. It’s an easy task when you truly believe! It’s our obligation to respect and take care of the land we live on. We do need to join forces and ignite a fire in those we come in contact with. Your message brings a renewed spirit of love and a passion for protecting and preserving the land of the free and the home of the brave. Blessings to all!

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Spark America USA

This website is dedicated to all the people of this great nation who long to celebrate, preserve, and continue on with all that’s deemed good and righteous. To teach our children, our most valuable resource, to become part of the sanctioned liberties that were pledged to us by those who fought and died for our freedom. Their dedication to that end shall always remain our only hope for America’s future. – 2025 – All rights reserved.
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